Yep, that's Michael J. Fox himself (aka Marty McFly) inspecting an 8-foot-long Delorean cake, complete with flaming tire tracks. The facsimile was artfully crafted by cake decorating masters Ace of Cakes for the 25th anniversary of Back To The Future and the Blu-ray releases.
Instructables user tchitwood's realistic Yoda head cake may leave the most devoted (yet hungry) Star Wars fans feeling slightly guilty. tchitwood says "everyone said it was sad to cut into him, but we went to the dark side that night. :)".
The Gowanus Studio Space Jell-O Mold Competition winners are in, and this year is every bit as impressive as last year. The grand prize goes to Shelly Sable for her piece: "Aspic Ascension-- Tastes Like Heaven".
Remember Michelle Wibowo, the amazing cake decorator behind the obsessively realistic baby cake? Well, she's back with a video demonstration of her amazing Super Mario Brothers cake. Check out the sugar art master's process below.
HOLLLLLYWOOOD! When I get a Louis V cake for my birthday, I'll know I've made it. Truly, truly awesome cakes by Highland Bakery of Atlanta, Georgia. (Oh Lord, the Hollywood Sign cake kinda leaves me breathless).
Here's somethin' too-good-for-words, via CAKES! CAKES! CAKES!, my WonderHowTo World (P.S. you can start your own world or join others - learn more here).
With the recent release of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, it's time to celebrate - in the form of cake, of course! Bakelab offers a series of Alice inspired sweets. Buy them online, OR if you're in the L.A. area, stop by ROYAL/T in Culver City.
The 2010 Oscars are coming around the corner, and for those who throw an annual Oscar bash, now's the time to plan the menu. Cakespy posts a HowTo for the "Avatart", the perfect Avatar-viewing snack.
Sweet little bug cakes by Japan's Komatsuya Honten bakery make an interesting belated Valentine's Day treat. Interesting tidbit of Valentine's Day trivia: in Japan, women give chocolate to men for Valentine's Day, not the other way around.
Internet culture loves many things, but there are two web crazes in particular that always grab my attention: the notoriously addictive facebook game, Farmville, and the insane art of cake decorating.
More goodies from Not So Humble Pie, the bakers that brought us Candied Bacon Cake and Science Cookies. These artfully crafted sushi cupcakes demonstrate real cake decorating mastery. Click through for more info on how they were made.
Not So Humble Pie, creator of yummy cookie lab rats, chocolate atoms and gingerbread scientists (to name a few), brings us a delectable contribution to the world of cake decorating: the candied bacon cake. This cake looks like bacon, and actually tastes a little bit like bacon, too.
Science geeks behold, the perfect dessert. The cupcake Periodic Table. Pretty simple to do-it-yourself. Start with basic cupcakes in a square mold and decorate!